Over the course of the past year in particular, which saw a pandemic-related downturn in sales in many regions of the world, the market in North America fortunately developed positively for the company. This is reason enough to take a look back at the most recent projects there and to apply the knowledge gained to set the strategic course for a successful future.
After more than 20 successful years, for example, company management recently decided to merge the former Ratec LLC into the new Ratec America Corporation in order to integrate operations there even more effectively into the Group as a whole. Jörg Reymann, CEO of RATEC America Corporation is convinced that the decision to change the company's name and realignment is the right one: “This is a clear commitment to further strengthen our operations in the USA. It is important for our customers in North America that we are familiar with the market and understand their specific requirements. With the repositioning, they will benefit in the future from expanded technical capacities and expertise from the entire group of companies and can, if required, access the consulting services of Reymann Technik with little effort.”
Administration and production of RATEC America Corporation are located in Clearwater, Florida. Here, the company manufactures the products that are only offered on the North American market. These include, for example, tilting tables, prestressed beds for prestressed concrete elements as well as special formwork solutions for retaining walls, beams, columns and stairs. The team in Clearwater includes six full-time employees, with technical staff supporting them in production. The production site covers about 1,000 square meters.
From a long-term perspective, solutions from RATEC already established in Europe could also be interesting for the market in the USA. While the company's formwork solutions for transformer stations are in high demand in Germany and Europe in particular, the same formwork technology could also prove itself in the USA for the construction of data centers, for example, and deliver major benefits.