We are delighted to collaborate with Shinto Sangyo to further strengthen our presence and services to our customers in Japan 🙌. Shinto Sangyo has more than 50 years experience supplying quality products and services to the Construction and Concrete Industry in Japan. This partnership is all about enhancing support and access to our innovative solutions for our Japanese customers. By teaming up, we aim to streamline processes and provide even better service, ensuring our customers have access to the latest in our offerings, including our BETTER IDEAS.
Japan’s construction industry is facing similar challenges as in other industrialized countries worldwide. The shortage of skilled workers is a prominent issue, fueling the demand for prefabrication and offsite-construction methods. However, this shortage also extends to precast concrete production, necessitating a shift towards automated processes and the adoption of new production technologies to address the bottleneck.
At RATEC, we have developed numerous formwork solutions tailored to meet customer requirements, focusing on:
- Reducing manual work in formwork handling
- Accelerating shuttering and demoulding processes with user-friendly yet dependable products
Also, for modular construction, we provide a growing portfolio of volumetric moulds for prefabrication of rooms, bathroom pods, utility rooms and the like.
Additionally, the RATEC Asia team offers comprehensive Engineering and Consulting services, aiding customers in modularizing their building systems or developing element drawings and standardizing their building system.
We are confident that our new partnership in Japan will bring added benefits to precast concrete producers and offsite-construction companies alike, facilitating the exchange of knowledge and cutting-edge forming solutions for precast concrete production.