The success story began about ten years ago with the first project in Ica, south of the capital Lima. The production facil-ities for the modular houses and necessary formwork tech-nology were jointly made possible by Reymann Technik as the planning and engineering office and Ratec as the com-ponent supplier. Within ten months, the first production plant for precast modular houses in South America was built and the evolution of the new settlement of “Las Piedras de Buena Vista” started. In the meantime, further development projects have been created within a radius of up to 50 km from the first project, for which the room modules and concrete elements are manufactured in the plant in Ica.
The successful concept is now being transferred to other parts of the country. At the beginning of 2021, the second modular housing factory went into operation in northern Peru, in the Piura region. The house concept for the new “Los Altos de Castilla” settlement was tailored to the region and its needs.
Read the detailed project report from CPI Concrete Plant International, which was published in issue 2/2021.